Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Day in the Life of Charger-Mom

You probably aren't too concerned about what happens in an average day of my life, but then... you might find it entertaining.

Waking up is usually my favorite part of the day. The glimmer of light that's peeking through my window is pre-dawn and I get to watch the sky color with light through my east windows. I'm a barefoot person, so I pad to the kitchen listening to the pity-patter of bare feet (I love that sound). With the tea pot turned on (or the coffee pot, whichever I choose for the morning) I disappear into the bathroom for a nice hot shower before everyone in the house arises for the day.

My daughter gave me this awesome body and bath gel that I love in the shower. It smells like primroses in full bloom.

Breakfast consists of wheat or rye toast with real butter, and fruit. I'm a fruit girl too. I love sliced apples on my peanut butter sandwiches. This morning, it was sliced banana - YUM!

My favorite morning tea is Earl Grey, so I had breakfast with Earl this morning at my computer. I wrote four articles, two for and one each for a couple of my blog sites. Just click on the link to my profile on to find my articles there.

I redesigned my blog header at Jan Verhoeff as a part of the new marketing project I've been working on. It's now a waterfall and I love the majestic presentation it gives. I'm manifesting my waterfall of prosperity!

After that, I reward myself. I love spending time with my "nature walker" so I do 30 minutes of hauling butt up the mountain on the treadmill with a view of Princeton before me and the world behind me, I can go fast! Of course, I'm always gearing up for the next project, so I came up with ideas of what to write on my blogs today (that's where this brilliant idea just came from).

I worked for a while on my term paper (I have three due in less than a week). I've been moving through my blogs, checking content and sending out info. Still have to work on the auto-responders today. Lot's to do...

Mom stopped by for some books from so I spent a while reviewing books with her and ordering, not ordering, ordering, not ordering, waiting until she checks the books at the library to decide if she wants to order them. Decisions!

I wrote three chapters on The Ruskin Adventures earlier --- I'm refocusing a book onto a different "feature character" and imparting his affliction on the story. Or not... It's hard to explain. I changed his name and made him a bigger part of the story - I may share part of the story here - later. I worked on editing some more of the same book.

Reviewed paperwork for a tax client. Prepared chili burritos for lunch with cheese and made a pot of coffee for me - I NEED CAFFEINE!

Janeen called about her website, Your Impact Matters, because someone said it wasn't working. It's working just fine and she's got a stellar give away on her site - go check it out!

My son is getting a reflexology treatment. I played Dr. Jan for a friend who wanted some natural cure information for her husband. And... I still have those term papers to write... So it's off to the keyboard (wait! that's where I am) to write some more.

And the afternoon lingers on...

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