Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Your Impact Matters

Sometimes, you just have to know that who you are has an effect on what you do.

When I first realized that my life counted for something more than just what I did, I was surprised. It just didn't seem like I'd had that great an impact on the world around me. But... As my children began to get older, I recognized tremblings of my impact on their lives.

My daughter is an awesome mom. She's got a perfect angel for a daughter, but sometimes... Lizzie (you'd never believe it) has a mind of her own. I watched as my daughter reprimanded her gently and shifted her attention to what Lizzie should be doing instead of what she wanted her to do. Lizzie followed directions well.

My next daughter reflects values I've lived my entire life. Her purpose and strength include family first commitments that empower and enrich her life. She's a treasure and at the same time, a mysterious adventure.

My boys, never interchangeable, often surprise me with their independence and struggles to be mature. I see the resistance in their teen aged hearts, and watch them strive for excellence. Then I watch them follow directions or ask my advice.

My impact has come full circle. I'm not alone. I have the power of a mother, and the backing of grown children. Life is good.

Your Impact Matters too. You've made a difference in someone's life and it has made you a better person. Click on over to Your Impact Matters and see if you can't get a Scandle Candle because you deserve to be pampered!


  1. Lovely post, thank you so much! You also got the button to work...yay! I've been having trouble with that sucker. ugh!

  2. I cheated, I copied the file and reposted the pic on my blog and added your link to the html. It's tricky but it works.



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