You may be one of those moms who always has it together, prepares the right kinds of foods for every meal and never dares to feed your kids junk foods, but that's not me. I love junk food now and then, and I don't think it hurts kids to have some of the fun foods the rest of the world grew up on. And shoot me if you must, but I don't think junk food is the reason kids these days are FAT.
I personally believe that kids are fat because they sit in front of the TV playing video games too much.
So, stop chastising yourself if you don't always have a healthy meal and get your kid out from in front of the Television. Let me suggest a few alternatives for the healthy meal routine.
Corn-dog lunches on the way to the park for an afternoon of play time. Good idea, here! Just stick those corn-dogs in the oven for 20 minutes while you wrap up your tykes and get 'em ready to go. On the way out the door, hand each of them a corn-dog and grab one for yourself. Then walk to the nearest park with your dog on a stick. All the neighbors will sniff the air as you go by, and honey, I can assure you, they're not turning up their nose. They'll be heading out to the store within the next few days to get some Corn-dogs. Those things can be addicting, and if you haven't had one in a while, you're probably drooling by now.
It's okay! It isn't rocket science that you can bake a corn dog at home in the oven, add on some yellow mustard (the cheapy French's variety) and enjoy a corn dog now and then. They're tasty and delicious. You'll enjoy it and you won't crave them forever if you have one now and then. If you must have something healthy, drink a V-8 and stop smacking yourself on the forehead.
By the way, if you think I'm nuts. I don't have fat kids and I've fed them corn dogs once or twice a month at least for the past twenty-five years. We didn't pork out on them, we had one or two with some mustard or catsup and some veggie sticks, a V-8 (I really do love veggie juice), and a piece of fruit for desert. The kids love 'em, they're easy to prepare and the clean up is minimal. What a better way to spend a day than playing with your kids instead of cleaning up after a meal!
Go play! Have some fun.
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