In my nearly fifty years of living (it's funny how I enjoy the sound of that), I have learned that drought follows the floods of moisture and time settles most of the dust that rages across the Colorado prairies. Though we tend to experience more drought here, than rain, the reality is, this is where we live. Drought is part of that existence, because that's what happens on the Great Plains. You don't expect blizzards and gully washers in the Sahara desert, so why would you expect them in the great plains? In reality, those of us who live here have become accustomed to the ebb and flow of seasons. We adjust and enjoy the passing of time, replete in the promise of the next season.

I wonder however, at the concept of Global Warming. Many of the people who have determined that our earth is warming beyond natural temperatures have lived on the planet longer than I. So, do they honestly believe the natural rise and fall of temperatures indicates global warming? Or.. And this is what I believe more likely, are they persistently spouting rhetoric to draw attention and build wealth? The dance of nature offers so much, can you imagine living in fear of nature and using that fear to grow wealth on the faces of other people's fears? The gravity of such an act causes me to wonder about human nature.
I believe living green is a good policy and I'm even seriously considerate of the size of my foot print. However, I'm also acutely aware of the policy of do as I say, not as I do, of which Al Gore and his component rookies participate. Mr. Gore doesn't travel cheap, and his home is a far cry from modest. Has his footprint gotten too big for his britches? Is he, perhaps, crying wolf a bit too loudly while continuing to play in the fire?
The changing of the season makes for happiness, spouting a breath of fresh air, warmth aside, the season coming promises great abundance. I'll be enjoying it.
Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of our strange weather patterns.
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